After most oral surgery, it is normal to have swelling for about a week, which will increase for the first two days before it starts to decrease. No driving for 24 hours.
It is normal to need pain medication for one to two weeks after surgery.
THE SUTURES MAY FALL OUT WITHIN THE FIRST 24 – 72 HOURS - If sutures were placed, it is normal for the sutures to fall out or dissolve within the first few days. The area will still heal normally.
TAKE ALL OF THE MEDICATIONS AS PRESCRIBED - It is expected to have some discomfort after surgery and need the pain medication for one to two weeks. If you have been given a prescription, use it as directed. If the doctor has prescribed multiple medications, all of these medications can be taken together. Studies have shown that the most effective medication for pain relief is Ibuprofen (Motrin) and Extra Strength Tylenol taken together every four hours. Please follow the directions for medications given by Dr Miyamoto only, even if pharmacies advise otherwise.
HOW TO TAKE CARE OF THE AREA - You can brush and floss that evening except in the area of the surgery. The evening of surgery, rinse the mouth gently with a glass of warm salt water (1/2 teaspoonful of salt in the glass of warm water). Repeat the salt water rinse 2 or 3 times each day for the next few days.
IF ABNORMAL BLEEDING OCCURS, open up one of the gauze packages, fold up a piece of gauze, and put it over the surgery area like a cork on a bottle. There must be pressure over the area to stop bleeding. If bleeding is seeping out around the gauze, there is not enough pressure covering the hole with the gauze on the area. The gauze should be kept with pressure on the area for 45 minutes before changing to a new gauze. If the gauze is changed too frequently, it won’t stop the bleeding. The bleeding should stop within the hour but you can expect to see blood-tinged saliva for up to 24-48 hours following surgery. If the bleeding continues for more than one hour, please contact the doctor through our office at 714-525-1178.
DO NOT DISTURB THE BLOOD CLOT - Keep fingers, toothpicks, or other matter that may cause infection, out of the mouth. Do not disturb the blood clot - grayish or yellowish appearance and slight odor do not indicate an infected condition. Smoking and drinking alcohol will disturb the clot and slow the healing.
DIET INSTRUCTIONS - Good nutrition and adequate fluid intake are important after surgery. Start off with cool liquids and soft foods. This is to prevent you from burning or biting your lip, cheek, or tongue. Suggestions are scrambled eggs, mashed potatoes, pudding, pasta, milkshakes, and yogurt. We encourage you to resume your normal diet as soon as possible. Avoid straws for one week.
CALL OUR OFFICE FOR QUESTIONS - If complications arise after the surgery or unusual symptoms, such as swelling or pain after the area has healed, please call our office for advice. If you have any questions please call our office at (714) 525-1178 to reach Dr. Miyamoto or the doctor on call.
FOR WISDOM TEETH ONLY: Monoject Syringe is to be used 1 week after surgery. Do not use monoject syringe if you had a coronectomy. Fill with warm salt water and rinse lower extraction areas after you eat. You can stop using it once food is no longer coming out when you irrigate.