- Please refrain from blowing your nose for up to four weeks following your surgery. Do not hold your nose when sneezing. Avoid flying in pressurized aircraft, scuba diving, bearing down when lifting heavy objects, billowing up balloons, playing musical instruments that require a blowing action, or any other activity that increases nasal or oral pressure for at least four weeks after surgery.
- Please take all medications as prescribed, including decongestants as necessary.
- It is important to keep your mouth clean after surgery to reduce the risk of infection and promote rapid healing. Start salt water rinses (one-half teaspoon of salt dissolved in an 8-ounce glass of water) the evening of surgery or any other day following the procedure after each meal or four to five times daily.
- Brush your teeth gently with a soft manual toothbrush on the evening of your surgery or the first day of following your procedure and continue brushing at least twice a day.
- Good nutrition and adequate fluid intake are important after surgery. Start off with cool liquids and soft foods. This is to prevent you from burning or biting your lip, cheek, or tongue. Suggestions are scrambled eggs, mashed potatoes, pudding, pasta, milkshakes, and yogurt. We encourage you to resume your normal diet as soon as possible. Avoid straws for one week.
- All removable appliances, including partial dentures, flippers, and full dentures, must be checked for proper fit before they can be worn.
- Swelling and bruising may occur. Applying a cold compress to the face near the surgical site will help minimize swelling. If using an ice pack, please do not apply ice directly to your skin but place a cloth between the ice and your skin at all times. You may apply the cold compress for up to 20 minutes on and at least 20 minutes off as needed.
- If you experience severe or persistent sinus or nasal congestion please let us know.